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(916) 224-7516
Copper & Pex Repipe Services

If your house was constructed over 20 years ago, you may have Galvanized Iron, or even Polybutylene pipes, which plumbers refer to as “ticking time bombs.” It is simply a matter of time before one of these pipes fail and cost you thousands of dollars in water damage. Poorly installed PEX and copper pipes can fail as well.
If you have old pipes, low water pressure, dirty water, or poorly regulated water temperature, then it is time to get a free estimate from R Box Plumbing. We will repipe your home and make sure all is installed the right way and provide a guarantee on our work!
Copper is safe, strong, dependable, resists corrosion and carries a manufacturer’s warranty of fifty years. Copper is lightweight and formable, which minimizes structural damage during installation.

PEX – an acronym for PolyEthylene is a durable, flexible, high-density plastic that is quickly becoming a favorite for home repipes. Pex plumbing systems require fewer fittings and less labor to install, so a Pex repipe is quite affordable.
For repipe services contact us for a FREE estimate.
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